Software Releases • Virtuous Widgets v1 0 2

Virtuous Widgets v1.0.2
Requirements By 4.0.3
Overview: Virtuous Widgets is the worlds first custom Sense 4 lockscreen. Based on the HTC SDK, Virtuous Widgets adds much needed functionality to the stock Sense 4.x lockscreen.




This app was developed for stock devices. If you are running a custom ROM you might encounter issues.
We cant fix that. Please ask your ROM chef to fix it.
Please do NOT give us a bad rating because your custom ROM does not support this. Its not our fault...


This app ONLY works on devices which run ROMs (firmware) with full Sense 4.x.
This app does NOT work on any non-Sense 4.x ROMs.
If you are running CyanogenMod, AOKP, MIUI or any other AOSP derived ROM, this app will NOT work.

This app will NOT work on devices with Sense 4.0a (like the HTC One V or any ports of the One V ROM).

Again: Only devices with a Sense 4.x based ROM will work.

Please START the app after installing and follow on-screen instructions!

Virtuous Widgets is the worlds first custom Sense 4 lockscreen. Based on the HTC SDK, Virtuous Widgets adds much needed functionality to the stock Sense 4.x lockscreen.

Virtuous Team brings you the ability to use normal widgets on your lockscreen. You can add widgets and shortcuts to give your lockscreen a very personal look & feel.
Unleash your creativity and create awesome lockscreens in every way you want.

You dont need root or an unlocked bootloader to enjoy the new possibilities. The app works fine on stock phones.

If something doesnt work as expected, please feel free to contact us via email, we will answer you as soon as possible.
Please keep in mind that we cant answer any comments here, so a bad rating wont get you any answers.

Important notes:

Please START the app after installing and follow on-screen instructions!
Since HTC uses a proprietary format for all their own widgets you wont be able to use them on the lockscreen. However, all normal Android widgets work fine.

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Download Requirements By Released by chathu_ac


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