5 Tips To Protect Android Phone From Trojan Attacks

Android tips and tricks: Tips to avoid trojan attacks, especially for those of you who have Android phone. Android devices are expected to become the most vulnerable to Trojan because it is open source. Symantec Security company has recently recorded a surge of malware that happens on Android phone and spreads through the application.

Here are 5 tips to protect android phone from trojan attacks as quoted from the PC World site:
  1. Adjust the settings of applications on the Android operating system to stop the installation of applications that do not originate from the official Android market and guaranteed safe.
  2. Test a few testimonials from users of certain applications to determine if the application is completely safe to use.
  3. When installing Android applications, check the access provided. If the request is too much, you should stop the installation.
  4. Use of mobile device security solution to ensure the security of every application that is downloaded.
  5. The application developer must ensure that all devices connected to their networks free of malware.

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